I m currently watching Autumn's Concerto..hehe!
Cant help but to stop at episode 16 because i couldn't resist not drawing Xiao Xiao Bin (小小彬),who plays Xiao Le.
OMG!The little boy is absolutely adorable.=)He made his first appearance at episode 7!..And he has this cassette radio which he used as a transmitter to reach out to his (Alien Daddy)..So cute but heart-wrenching at the same time.
Big hugz to Xiao Le..
米修! ..米修!....

hahaha 好可爱!!!! 米修! 米修!
haha don't look like him~
not round enoough.
So Cute ^^
Ame> Miss you! Miss you!...<3
2th> Ling jie!=)Haha!Ya,..i guess his innocent eyes caught all my attention!=x
Labbit> Did u watch?Haha!The first part of the show is a tad bit too sad!If you haven started watching, i would advise you to jump all the way to Edp7..hehe!But then again..you got to go figure out what is going on!....=)
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