o맛있어요! (:
Cooking is fun & its an art too! Make a grocery list, shop and anticipate to make your own dish! It's really practical experiments/ trial and error; you will only get better. I've been wanting to get an oven for the longest time.. .
Oh! On a more serious note, recently, CAD are investigating financial transactions of our mega-church in Singapore and just a few years back,we've the NKF/ Ren Ci's saga.
Sigh! When greed crawls in, and temptation is too hard to resist, man errs.
Investigation is on-going. Although i am in no position to give criticisms, I feel strongly that there shouldn't be any pressure when it comes to donation. It can be as little as a dollar or a thousand if you can spare. Of course, you contribute out of free will and your ability to do so. No doubts, all these tithes/money should righteously goes to the poor as intended and nothing else. Period.
Whether the existence of God or not, I believe nothing escapes the law of cause and effect; "whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap."
Still, we shouldn't pre-jugde but give him the benefits of doubt, till the truth comes to light.
2,3,4,... i am counting down to Fly-day! :D
Ok. Jal-ja.. (:
1 comment:
I want to eat!!! all look so tasty and yummy hahaha
- Helen Ma
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