Ingredients♥ Butter/ Icing sugar/ Egg white/ Vanilla essence/ Cake flour

Ingredients♥ Egg White/ Caster sugar/ Icing sugar/ Strawberry essence/ Lemon juice
With December 25th drawing near. Happy Holiday!
When I was much much younger, I used to request for a Christmas stocking so Santa could stuff me a gift at the turn of the holiday. So it was a real disappointment to learn that there was no Santa Claus. Those were moments as a kid.
If you know me, I've always love Christmas :D..it gets so warm and fuzzy despite the weather getting cooler (even in Singapore). It marks the birth of Christ, the day when God had a son, and when everyone celebrates good spirit. Christmas just isn't Christmas unless you spend it with the love ones/ people who are close to the heart- family and friends included, a time of sharing and giving, listening to the Christmas carols, glittering lights of Christmas trees and have some logcake and turkey. It seems like every year is the same ritual. Its so true when they said that the only constant is change but funny how traditions are, they make you feel like at least something in the world doesn't change! (:
To you who are reading, a Berry Merry Christmas in advance!(: May you have a truly blessed holiday. Sending out lots of love, hugs and cheer over this wonderful season.
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