"One of the nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."- Luciano Pavarotti
I've completed reading almost all of Jimmy Liao books. Starry starry night- that's his first book I chanced upon a few years ago. Jimmy is one of Taiwan's very popular illustrator and writer. Very reluctant to start reading his books because I know how realistic and melancholy the stories can go but I would like to look at how he illustrated those gorgeous drawings; quirky imaginative creatures. His books is filled with lively colours but the texts are haunting and a tad bit too sad. How ironic. And so I thought, they're good books and poetic most of the time, however the content is definitely inappropriate for young children. Still, I am mesmerized and admiring his every single drawings; the way he illustrated those perspective and captured the mood/ world he wish to picture.
Lately, I've moved on to continue this psychology book from Dr. Cialdini. Very well researched case studies on the human psyche; giving a good insight to the reasons why/ how people are persuaded to act. More of the social psychology behind compliance strategies are very well articulated. Now, he answered my question to why people comply with requests that sometimes make no sense. Most of the content in the book was familiar but he further examine the concepts deeper in the context of compliance and influence. In case you're wondering, no no, not the kind of book that taught you how to decipher the human mind. Haha!
Recently, I had this conversation with a group of psychology/ communication students, yes, we tend to have the misconception that psychologists are capable of reading minds. In actual fact, they're experts at understanding the human behaviour but is in no way means that they are able to read your mind (given the complexity of it).
Happy Easter day!

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